Kinesiology training will prepare you for a variety of different careers, and before you choose any training program or degree program, you should think carefully about which career you want to enter after you graduate. The best kinesiology training will be the program or certificate that puts you in good position to get the kind of job you want after graduation, and it will also be the training that is within your budget. For most jobs in the field, you will need to complete a degree program, so a good place to start looking for the best training is any variety of accredited colleges and universities.
Some types of jobs will only require basic kinesiology training in the form of a certificate program, which can take up to six months or a year to complete. Other jobs will require an associate's degree or bachelor's degree; careers like personal training or physical therapy will require such degrees, and these jobs may require additional certifications or licenses as well. You should do some research to figure out what qualifications are necessary for the jobs you are interested in pursuing, and choose kinesiology training based on those qualifications.
Some schools have solid reputations for offering good kinesiology training programs. A good way to find out about the best schools or recommended programs is to ask other people who have undergone kinesiology training, especially people who work in the field you are interested in entering. You can talk to personal trainers, occupational therapists, coaches, athletic directors, or even professional athletes if you have access to them to find out what programs they attended, if any. These professionals may recommend a strong program or may warn you from a bad one; either way, they can give you an idea of what the training will be like and what you can expect in the job market after graduation.
If you are still in high school, a visit to your guidance office is a great first step toward finding the best kinesiology training. While your guidance counselor may not know which kinesiology programs are best, he or she will have plenty of resources and contacts that will help you find out more about such programs. This is a good way to find out which programs are recommended and which are not, as well as which programs you are qualified for; you may also be able to secure financial aid in the form of loans or scholarships by communicating with your guidance counselor.