Concentration is the holy grail of the mental world. With it, a person can achieve focus so great that they may reach levels of potential previously unknown. Without it, tasks may be neglected to the point of nominal productivity. The good news is that there are a number of techniques used for concentration training, all geared toward improvement of the mind's ability to be productive. Techniques to improve focus, brain exercises, and in extreme cases, pharmaceutical intervention, can all be part of the best concentration training.
The word concentration is somewhat abstract as most mental processes are not tangible. Its origin, however, is rooted in the Greek components con, meaning to, and centrum, or to center. Therefore, concentration may be described as the centering of one's attention. The complexities of cognition make concentration factors difficult to identify; however, genetic, environmental, and habitual aspects all contribute to how well or poorly a person is able to concentrate. Concentration training will likely focus on one or all of these factors in an attempt to improve the cognitive ability of a person.
Environmentally, concentration training seeks to minimize the amount of stimuli available to a person. By minimizing potential input, a person is able to put forth more mental energy toward one particular task, the essence of concentration. Practicing this technique in repetition yields a greater ability to single out important tasks and work toward them.
Other forms of concentration training may be through brain exercises or alternative measures, such as meditation. Brain exercises are generally short yet challenging mental puzzles and conundrums designed to require a higher level of thought in short increments. By solving these exercises, the test taker needs to exhibit sound focus and mental ability. This has been proven to improve concentration over time.
Genetic factors are difficult to modify for obvious reasons. A person's chemical makeup, largely due to genetics, can contribute significantly to his or her ability to concentrate. In severe cases, such as attention deficit hyperactive disorder, an inability to concentrate can dramatically affect a person's everyday life. What may appear to be incompetence or low intelligence is sometimes a product of poor concentration.
In severe cases like this, medical professionals may prescribe pharmaceutical intervention. There are a number of drugs available that have clinically improved the lives of those taking them through concentration improvement. It is important to realize, however, that these drugs are not available or right for everyone, and a number of adverse effects may accompany their use. For this reason, it is important to discuss all possible options with a medical professional before agreeing to the use of such products.