Surgical technology training can be obtained through various vocational schools and colleges that offer training in allied health careers. Vocational schools typically offer a program that is one year in length and leads to a certification of achievement. Surgical technology training through a college usually requires two years of study, and in the US results in an associate in applied science (AAS) degree.
Many factors can influence whether you choose to select a one-year or two-year program. An important consideration is how quickly you need to enter the workforce and begin earning a regular paycheck. While a candidate with an AAS degree may be able to sign on at a higher salary, the individual who took the shorter program is able to begin earning steady pay and building experience and seniority much sooner.
To be taken seriously by potential employers, a surgical technician needs to be properly certified in accordance with local and regional laws. In order to sit for certification exams, it is usually necessary to have the minimum amount of training, which includes classes in anatomy, physiology, medical terminology, and aseptic practices. Lab time may also be required, which is why even programs that offer distance learning usually arrange for hands-on training in a clinical setting.
A surgical tech fresh from a certificate program may be limited to working in the non-sterile area of the operating theater and take on responsibilities of cleaning equipment and prepping patients for surgery. A surgical technologist with more experience and superior training may be allowed to assist the physician during the surgery and work in the sterile field. Some will advance to first position, which allows them to become an integral part of the surgical team by performing simple tasks like holding clamps, suturing, and cauterizing.
A good surgical technology training program will instruct students in various medical procedures. It should also prepare them for a career in this fast-paced and occasionally high-stress field. Students should also be able to further their surgical technology training, and thus advance their careers, by specializing in such areas as neurosurgery.
You should also consider the type of working conditions you desire when trying to select the proper surgical technology training. Most surgical technicians work in hospital emergency rooms, but opportunities for employment exists wherever surgery is performed. This could even include locations such as dental centers.
Surgical technologists are usually required to undergo lifelong learning in order to keep their licensing current. This type of training is often supplied by the place of employment. It may also be available at local surgical technology training schools or at industry seminars.
Above all else, it is critical to ensure that the chosen surgical technology training program is fully accredited. If it is not, it might not be possible to sit for certification examinations or become employed. Employment might be restricted to menial labor with little room for advancement. The surgical technology school will also likely need to be accredited in order for students qualify for financial aid.