Getting rid of basement mildew can be a difficult process that can sometimes take months or even years to resolve completely. For best results when trying to get rid of basement mildew, be sure to start by first finding the cause of the basement mildew. Once it has been identified, get rid of it through the use of household chemicals, such as baking soda, bleach, and white vinegar. Finally, get rid of any products in the basement that appear to be contaminated with mildew.
One of the most important first steps when it comes to getting rid of basement mildew is first determining the cause of the mildew. While this can often be a difficult and time intensive process, it is essential in order to achieve optimal results when trying to get rid of basement mildew. To find the source of the basement mildew, start by examining all floors and walls for visible signs of mold or mildew. Pay special attention to areas that are discolored, as these will need to be explored in their entirety. Once the mildew has been found, identifying the cause of the growth is typically relatively simple. Often, there is a broken pipe or cracked piece of foundation that is resulting in basement mildew growth. Be sure that this is fixed in order to prevent future outbreaks of basement mildew.
Once the source of the mildew has been identified and fixed, the clean-up process can begin. One of the best ways to get rid of basement mildew involves using products that will get rid of both the smell associated with the mildew, as well as the bacteria that is promoting the growth itself. Fortunately, many of the chemical treatments that are commonly used to get rid of basement mildew include products that are found in almost any home around the world. When combined with water, bleach, baking soda, and white vinegar that has been distilled are all great ways to get rid of basement mildew. Mix them in a one-to-one ratio, and spray over the affected area. Repeat with a second dose if the initial treatment is not successful.
Finally, be sure to get rid of any materials that have absorbed water in the basement. Typically, boxes, rugs, and other similar items are a mildew haven, and thus must be either cleaned professional or discarded. If the preceding procedures have been completed and basement mold still exists, be sure to check the basement on an on-going basis in order to find additional causes of the mildew.