A person in the legal profession, either as a lawyer, judge, or even as a paralegal, has many options to get litigation training. This includes both formal instruction through a classroom setting or through various workshops offered, as well as being mentored by those with experience in the field. In order to get litigation training in a formal atmosphere, it is first necessary to consider which educational institutions offer classes close to you. Many may offer continuing education courses in litigation, in addition to undergraduate courses.
For most individuals, the initial way to get litigation training is by taking courses associated with a two-year or higher college degree at an institution of higher learning. The training in litigation at this point often focuses on the basics, possibly explaining the litigation process, how papers should be filed and how hearings should be conducted. This basic information provides the foundation upon which more detailed and advanced information can be added, leading to higher performance standards.
After this basic training, and perhaps some advanced training though a graduate college, many may consider legal workshops in order to get practical litigation training once they are a part of the legal profession. These training seminars or workshops are often offered on a single day, or may be part of a multiple day program. Such trainings are generally offered through colleges as well, but some legal associations and states may also offer these courses. In order to get litigation training through these courses, you must first register and may need to prove your position within the legal community.
In some cases, it may be possible to hire a certified litigation specialist (CLS) to help provide litigation training for a staff. In such cases, the CLS may provide instruction in such areas a litigation management and other litigation services. Such a person will often have a law degree, though that may not be required. In most cases, this litigation consultant can also provide help in other areas while he or she is teaching or in addition to that teaching. Contact specific litigation consultants for further details about what is provided.
Another thing to consider when looking into ways to get litigation training is the financial cost. The cheapest options are likely to be those that teach in a classroom or workshop setting. This is because there will likely be many students attending and helping to distribute the costs over a greater number of people. Private litigation training, such as that offered by consultants, will probably be more expensive, but also will likely offer the most individual attention. Those working toward a CLS designation may also find some discounts offered by Americans for Effective Law Enforcement (AELE) or other groups.