If you wish to receive laser hair removal certification, you will need to first learn about the program offered by the certifying organization or organizations that operate in the area where you live. Laser hair removal certification programs have differing requirements and may include the completion of educational coursework and passing a proctored examination. The length of time that it may take you to complete the required training can vary according to professional licensing laws in the area where the certification programs operate. You should also be aware of the laws governing laser hair removal in the geographic area in which you wish to practice.
To become certified, you should first research organizations that provide professional certification for laser hair removal practitioners. One consideration should be whether certification by a particular organization is accepted by government agencies as a legitimate credential for those who wish to practice laser hair removal. If you find such an organization, request information about obtaining certification. The organization may be able to direct you to an educational program or programs that can qualify you.
In some places, simply holding certification will not qualify you to practice laser hair removal. This is because the laws in these areas restrict the practice to medical professionals. If you live in such an area, be prepared to submit your existing health care credentials to the laser hair removal certification board to which you apply. You can also expect to complete a course of study, which may take 40 hours or more to complete and then take, and pass a certification exam. Certification bodies may also require you to complete additional steps during the course of your application.
Once you have your laser hair removal certification, you may be required by the professional organization that issues your credentials to take continuing education courses on a regular basis. In addition, you may also be required to obtain a license to practice from a government-sponsored professional licensing board. This licensing board may require you to complete additional education and may also insist that you pass a separate licensing exam. In addition, you can expect to pay a licensing fee, and you may be required to undergo a criminal background check. If you live in an area that does not regulate this method of hair removal, your certification can be an asset in finding work in gaining the confidence of clients.