Depending on where you live, it may be possible to get job search training locally from an employment resource center. If not, federal job training, perhaps through an online program, may be likely. You could also do self-directed job search training by gathering information on the Internet as well as through other sources on topics such as how to prepare a resume and conduct yourself in interviews.
If you have a local job training center or community employment resources organization, this can be an ideal place to start getting help on how to look for work. You will probably have to register before being permitted to receive job search training or other employment-related services. This typically involves leaving your name, contact information and type of work experience you have as well as the kind of job you're seeking. The training may include individual as well as group job search information.
The job search training offered at a community job resources center usually involves a resume preparation workshop to teach you the best way to list your education and work experience to potential employers. The skills workshop trainer may assist you in editing your completed resume. You'll also likely be able to use the center's equipment to print copies of your resume to take with you to interviews. You may also have the option of having help in submitting your resume virtually when applying to jobs advertised on the Internet.
Checking your federal government's website or employment insurance office may help you locate free job training in your country. You may have to have your information processed first to see if you qualify. The requirements could include having been unemployed for a certain period of time. It's best to check into job search training at the federal level as early as possible as there may be a waiting list or limited availability of online or in-person employment skills courses.
For learning how to search for a job on your own, begin with books on the subject in the careers section of your local library or bookstore. Then, you could search for additional information relating to job search training on certain topics that especially interest you in the book. Some books and Internet career sites include sheets you could photocopy or print out to keep track of the jobs you applied for and upcoming interview dates.