Getting business training can be done in a number of different ways, including the earning of formal degrees as well as programs not based on earning a degree. Further, depending on what level of education is desired, there may be certain kinds of certifications, in addition to a degree, or independent of a degree, that may be obtained. Managerial training programs also offer a way to get training in certain businesses, especially retail and service trades.
A business school, or at least a school that offers a business degree, is one of the most popular strategies for getting business training. This degree can be specifically geared toward a certain type of career. There are general business administration degrees, as well as human resource, marketing, accounting and other degrees. These are often available as Bachelor's programs, thus taking approximately four years to complete.
For those who want to continue that education beyond a Bachelor's degree, there is the Master's degree in business administration, known as an MBA. This degree is often required for anything above a lower managerial position. Therefore, those who want to further their career by breaking into middle or senior management should look at this type of business training. These programs will include classroom instruction, and give students practical assignments that can be tried at their own place of employment. These usually take two additional years to earn, though the pace is generally up to the student.
One of the best ways to get business training is simply to check out an internship. These may be available through a college, or may be found independently of school. Some are paid internships, but many are not. Those that do offer some form of payment should be thought of as a bonus. The real purpose of the internship is to get that practical business training, and see how business is actually run in a real-world setting.
Continuing education is another way to get business training. This education could come in the way of workshops, employer-sponsored forums, or non-degree classroom training. This type of education is often focused on a particular aspect, such as branding, customer service, or some other aspect of business that companies need to focus on to improve their businesses. In some cases, after completion of such courses, a certification of some type may be awarded to the individual.
Another option to get practical business training is to hire on in a managerial training program that some businesses offer. These programs serve the same function as apprenticeships did many years ago. The employee contributes something to the business, while learning about it at the same time. When the time comes and the employee has received enough training, he or she may be offered a management opportunity.