An individual who wants to earn an online graduate degree in education often follows a similar process a person goes through when looking for a traditional degree program. Generally, candidates must first obtain a bachelor's degree in an education-related field. He then typically looks for schools that are accredited and compares them based on the degree programs they offer and the cost of tuition. An individual who is seeking an online degree, however, may also do well to make sure the schools he is considering are accredited. As an alternative, students may research accredited universities that offer online classes and distance learning programs. Once he finds an online graduate degree program that interests him, a person usually completes the school's application process and waits to learn whether or not he'll be admitted.
When a person wants to earn an online graduate degree in education, he may start by researching accredited online degree programs. It's important to select an accredited school, as accredited programs typically provide an acceptable standard of education. Additionally, other schools and future employers are more likely to see an online graduate degree in education as legitimate if it comes from an accredited institution. Furthermore, a person who is interested in earning an online graduate degree in education may consider online universities, but may also do well to look into traditional colleges that offer distance learning programs.
As far as requirements for admission to a graduate-level education program are concerned, an individual typically has to hold a bachelor's degree in order to gain admission to a master's level education program. He may also have to submit transcripts from the colleges he's previously attended, as well as letters of recommendations, depending on the college in question, and scores from admissions exams. In some cases, a master's degree applicant may have to submit an essay as well. Additionally, there are some online master's degree programs that require less from applicants than others. For example, some only require students to submit college transcripts and admission exam scores and may not request letters of recommendation or essays.
There are many master's degrees a person can pursue in the education field, and part of the process is selecting the option that best matches one's career goals. An individual may choose to earn a master's degree in elementary or secondary education, for example. He may also opt to enroll in a major such as education administration, curriculum and instruction, or special education. No matter which major he chooses, however, master's degree programs usually take about two to three years to complete, though there are some schools that offer accelerated programs than can be finished in less time. After earning a master's degree in education, a person may go on to work toward an online Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), which may take about three to five years to complete.