There are four steps required to obtain an online electrical engineering degree: qualify for admittance, locate an accredited school, pay the tuition, and complete the coursework. Either an online school or a traditional university can grant an online degree. Online course are offered over the Internet, allowing students to access course material, lecture files and submit assignments electronically.
An electrical engineering degree is required to work in this field. Electrical engineers hold positions in construction, industry, research and product development. The role of an electrical engineer is to design, test, and implement electrical systems. They are typically involved in very large projects surrounding the implementation of electrical distribution systems and power stations.
The requirements for admittance to an online electrical engineering degree program include high school credits in physics, calculus, English, algebra, technology, and computer science. High marks are required as this program is very competitive. Successful completion of an electrical engineering degree provides immediate employment opportunities at a professional level.
When selecting an online school, it is important to ensure that it accredited. Accreditation is the validation of the academic and administrative standards of the institution against an accepted standard. Only accredited schools can offer government student aid programs and have their credits accepted by other institutions. It is especially important for the engineering programs, as the American Association of Engineers must validate all the credits before the candidate is able to apply for certification.
The tuition fees for engineering programs are significantly higher than for a Bachelor of Arts program. This is because it is considered a professional program, leading directly into a career. It is important to secure financing in advance for the entire length of the program. The workload for an online electrical engineering degree is quite heavy.
The first year of any engineering program offers a standard curriculum of courses for all engineering students. The courses typically include calculus, physics, chemistry, English, and technology. The courses available in the second year of an online electrical engineering degree focus on electricity, circuits, design, materials sciences, and conductivity. Each year, the course offering is more specialized, building on the detail from the previous years. Look for online programs that offer the ability to access completed courses, as that work may be relevant in the more advanced classes.