For non-traditional students juggling parenting and full-time job responsibilities, earning an online business administration degree may be preferable to attending traditional college classes. Earning your degree online can be a good way to advance your career, but keep in mind that finding the right program is often a tricky task. There are a number of factors that must be considered before you begin your studies.
Earning online degrees in business administration can mean earning an associates degree, a bachelors degree, or a masters degree. If you've taken college course in the past, you may be able to transfer some of your credits to reduce the amount of time it takes to complete your degree. Some programs also have accelerated learning options, but the fast pace of the coursework can be challenging if you have many other personal commitments to juggle as well.
Use caution when choosing to enroll in an online business administration degree program that is not affiliated with a traditional brick and mortar college. While online learning is becoming increasingly popular, many people still view an online degree as a second-rate education. A degree from an exclusively online school may not give you the resume boost you are hoping for, especially if you don't have a lot of other related job experience to fall back on. Additionally, online schools that are affiliated with traditional brick and mortar colleges tend to have more resources available for helping students find professional employment when they've completed the program.
If you will need financial aid for your online business degree, it's worth pointing out that federal loans and grants are only available for regionally accredited institutions. Many employers that offer tuition reimbursement as a company benefit also require the school you attend to be accredited. However, there are private scholarships that can help you pay for the cost of your education regardless of the school's accreditation status. In some cases, online schools offer their own forms of financial assistance as well.
Once you begin classes towards an online business administration degree, it's important to keep to a regular schedule as much as possible. While taking online classes is convenient, the flexible format of online learning also makes it very easy to fall behind in your work. If you don't set aside time to study each week and ask for help when you're having trouble understanding key concepts, it's going to be difficult to earn the grades needed to get your online business administration degree.