There are three different items required to get an occupational therapy degree online: find an accredited school, apply for admission, and complete the coursework. An occupational therapy degree is available from a wide range of university, community, and career colleges. Occupational therapists can find employment opportunities in rehabilitation centers, hospitals and health centers. An occupational therapist works with people who have physical, mental, or emotional challenges, helping them find employment opportunities and programs.
Occupational therapy is a very old school of therapy that can be traced back to the ancient Greeks. The belief that people need to participate actively in everyday life for their mental and emotional well being has been documented in a wide range of scientific studies. The primary role of an occupational therapist is to help his client actively engage in everyday life and contribute to the broader community.
The first step to get an occupational therapy degree online is to find an accredited school. Accredited schools have been reviewed and evaluated by an independent third party to determine if the school meets a minimum standard for administrative, academic and management policies. Only courses from an accredited school can be transferred to other institutions. In addition, these schools are able to offer government student aid programs.
Admission to an occupational therapy degree online program is based on high school marks in English, biology, math and technology. These programs are growing in popularity, due to a higher than average salary range and employment opportunity forecast for the next five to ten years. In order to complete an online program, you will need a reliable Internet connection and a home computer.
Occupational therapy degree online programs are increasingly available from traditional post-secondary educational institutions, such as universities and community colleges. They provide the same courses and program to both online and traditional classroom students. Online students can complete all the course requirements using recorded lectures, reading course materials and submitting assignments online.
Online schools provide access to course material through a website and course management program. Students sign into the website to access course materials and make connections to other online students. Many programs support student discussion groups, as these types of connections have been proven to increase course success rates and participation levels. People who are the most successful at online degree programs are self-motivated, disciplined and focused. The ability to work independently and ask questions is very important, as student-teacher interaction must be initiated by the student.