It is necessary to get a four-year bachelor's degree for most entry-level industrial design jobs. If you are interested in obtaining an industrial design degree, there are steps that you can take to make it happen. First of all, you should choose a program that fits your budget and is in a location that you will enjoy. Once you have found a program, you can begin the application process to be considered for admission. After you have been admitted to a program, you can begin the required classwork to complete an industrial design degree.
A high school diploma is needed to be considered for entry into a four-year college or university. After you have a diploma, you can begin researching schools that interest you. There are industrial design programs online and in a classroom setting, so choose which style of learning you prefer. Choose schools that are accredited to ensure that the program has good standing within professional industrial design associations. The location of the school depends on whether you are willing to relocate to get an industrial design degree or if you would rather stay in your current area.
Your budget will also determine the best places for you to work on an industrial design degree. It is usually less expensive to choose a local school than one that is far away, but if money is no object, then choose the school that you like best based upon other characteristics. Once you have found one or more schools that fit your needs, you can begin the application process. Most schools require an application, a fee, transcripts, and letters of recommendation from former teachers. Some schools require additional information such as a personal statement or essay.
After you have sent in the required application information, you will be considered for admission, and notified of whether you are accepted or not. At this point, you can choose a program, apply for financial aid or pay the tuition, and begin classes when they are scheduled. Classes for an industrial design degree include art, design, and basic core classes such as science and humanities. Your adviser can help you set up a schedule and a time frame for when you will graduate, and as long as you meet all of the requirements and pass the classes, you will receive an industrial design degree. A bachelor's degree usually takes between four and five years to complete.