There are two types of esthetician license available: basic and master. In the US, all states require estheticians to be licensed before they can work. An esthetician is a beauty services professional who specializes in skin care treatments. The services available include microderm abrasion, laser treatment, waxing and facials.
There are three requirements to obtain a license: education, experience, and a licensing examination. All three are required to qualify for a position as an esthetician. In the United States, the number of hours education required varies between the different states, but the average is 650 hours for the basic license and 1,500 for a masters license.
Esthetician programs do not require a degree or diploma. The course hour requirement is met by registering for skin care courses at an accredited beauty school or community college. A basic license requires four months of full-time study, and courses include skin analysis, the physical structure of skin, and how to apply skin care treatments. The master esthetician license program is usually eight months of full-time study. All the same courses as the basic license are covered, but in addition, the masters program includes chemical peels, laser hair removal, laser skin abrasion, and microderm abrasions.
The beauty school will arrange for a job placement in the skin care industry. This role will allow you to gain valuable experience and the chance to apply your classroom knowledge. Make sure to meet all the requirements of your employer, so he or she can provide you with a quality reference. Upon graduation, the reference and experience that you gained is critical to your success in finding full time employment.
The licensing exam for a basic license is a combination of practical and theoretical questions. It is often in the format of a multiple choice section and a simulation client. Part of the evaluation criteria is the interaction with the client and the technical skills that you have obtained.
The requirements for a master's license are slightly different, as a larger amount of information is included in the examination. The theoretical component is a combination of multiple choice and written answers. For the practical component, many places use computer simulations and volunteer clients to assess your skills and proficiency.
Once you have obtained your esthetician license, you should be able to find employment in a spa, skin clinic, beauty salon, or specialty skin office. Many master estheticians work with dermatologists and plastic surgeons to help patients recover from surgery. This type of career is based on building a clientèle, so it is important to have good interpersonal skills.