An allied health education can be completed by attending training and passing the respective certification or licensing exams. Given the variety of allied health professions available worldwide, it is best to first decide which career path you want to take, and then locate an accredited and respected training program. Allied health education training programs can be found at colleges and universities, vocational or technical schools, online, and even through hospitals or clinics.
Allied health professions tend to have varying education requirements. It is important to keep this in mind before applying to an allied health program, because certain professions can only receive certification if the educational requirements are completed through an accredited program or institution. To check the educational requirements of a particular career path, a person can try contacting a local accrediting organization, which should have a list of all accredited programs. Keep in mind that some programs only accredit a few of the many different types of allied health programs available, so if the desired program is not listed, it might be accredited by a different organization.
In the United States, the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs and the Association of Schools of Allied Health Professions are good starting points for researching allied health professions. The internationally recognized Joanna Briggs Institute provides endorsements to allied health programs that meet their high standards. This endorsement is often referred to as JBI approved or JBI endorsed.
Though accreditation is often mandatory for some certifications, this is not always the case. This requirement is very dependent upon the allied health profession chosen. Even if an allied health education program is not accredited, you may still be able to get certificated, depending on your profession; accreditation only means that the program has been reviewed by one of several accrediting agencies, not that the program is a bad one.
Allied health care programs tend to fall under the categories of technician or therapist/technologist. Training for technicians is usually less intensive than training for one of the many allied health professions that fall into the sub-categories of therapist/technologist. Expect to dedicate two years or less for training as a technician, and well over two years of training for therapist/technologist professions. Most therapist/technologist professionals hold at least a bachelor's degree in their field.
Contacting a hospital directly is a good way to learn more about an allied health profession. You may also be able to set up an apprenticeship, internship, or a simple job shadow. This can be a good way to learn more about the specific requirements of an allied health job.