Before pursuing a sports management degree, it will be helpful to determine your career goals so you will have an idea of which degree program will be the best choice for you. Some management positions, for example, may require that you hold a bachelor's degree, while others may require a master's degree. Some positions will require no sports management degree at all, so do some research into the types of jobs you are considering before committing to a degree program. Once you have a clear understanding of your career and educational goals, do some research into several schools that offer such programs.
Try to attend accredited institutions only. Accreditation ensures the school is offering a high-quality education that is recognized and respected by employers as well as other educational institutions, and if possible, you should eliminate any non-accredited institutions from your list of possible schools for your sports management degree. You will be more likely to qualify for financial aid, as well as more likely to be able to transfer credits, if you attend an accredited institution instead of a non-accredited one.
Be sure to consider the application requirements for each sports management degree program as well. You may or may not qualify to enroll in the program, and if you do not qualify for the program you want to attend, try to fulfill those requirements first. Remember that applications often come with a fee you must pay, so be sure to research the fees before applying.
Each sports management degree program will be different from the others, and it may help to do some research into the specific curriculum of each program to ensure it focuses on the areas of sports management that interest you. Some programs, for example, may be more business-oriented than others, while other programs may focus on event management or marketing instead of business aspects or team management. Consider a school that will help you obtain internships or other relevant experience that may help you land a job when you complete the program.
If you are working full- or part-time, you may want to consider an online sports management degree. This allows you to take classes at your own pace without having to go to an on-site classroom to earn credits. Choose a program that takes advantage of the most modern technology available, and a program that features asynchronous classes that allow you to work on classes any time you want rather than at a set time.