A school psychology degree, such as a bachelor’s degree in the field of psychology, typically takes about four years of study through an accredited university. Some of the course work can be completed online, or through correspondence, but the majority of the work requires classroom participation. People who wish to obtain a school psychology degree should first obtain a high school diploma or a general education diploma (GED). The second step is generally to investigate colleges that offer degrees in psychology. It is a good idea to compare tuition costs and the scholastic rankings of each school before making a selection.
After you have narrowed down your selection of universities, it is a good idea to determine how you are going to pay for your education. Some people already have the necessary funds, and for those, finances may not be a crucial issue. Many people however, must make use of student loans, scholarships, and grants. You should find out if you are eligible for any of these programs, and how much of your tuition can be covered with each. With student loans, it is very important that you understand how and when these loans must be repaid.
You should think about what you plan to do with your school psychology degree, and the type of work you would prefer. This is important, because in some states and localities, it is necessary to obtain a master’s degree in psychology in order to work as a clinical psychologist in private practice. A master’s degree in the area of psychology usually takes an additional year of study and may require some medical school.
Most of the early course work involved in attaining a school psychology degree may seem unrelated to the field. The first couple of years of study are aimed at building a good overall foundation that could be applied to many other areas. This is probably because many people decide to change their education path early on. Having a broad range of study in the first couple of years makes that transition easier to accomplish. During the latter years of study, emphasis is placed on behavioral sciences, which are studies that explore human behavior.
People who earn a school psychology degree often find work in education and social services. They often work as school counselors or social therapists. Those who obtain a master’s degree often set up private practice and work in various fields of therapy including marriage counseling, teen counseling, and drug rehabilitation.