Postgraduate study is also referred to as graduate school in many places, including North America. This type of study occurs after a student has completed a bachelors degree, if he or she wishes to pursue further study in a particular field or concentration. This level of higher education can be quite expensive, so many postgraduate students wishing to avoid taking out loans apply for grants, which often do not have to be repaid. In order to get a postgraduate grant, you should first find out if the school to which you are applying or attending offers any grant opportunities. It may also be a good idea to research grants offered by government agencies and various organizations related to your field of study.
Many schools and graduate programs offer their students postgraduate grant opportunities. In many cases, these grants may be available for a certain number of years of study and may not cover every year in which a student is enrolled in a graduate program. Graduate schools that do offer postgraduate grant opportunities also tend to offer students the ability to apply for teaching fellowships, in which they teach undergraduate classes for pay while they are working toward a graduate degree.
In cases when a school does not offer grants or in which the grant is not enough to cover full tuition, graduate students sometimes seek grants from government agencies. These grants can be offered to students who are studying in a field that may be beneficial to society. Students from certain ethnic and economic class backgrounds may also be eligible for grants directed toward them.
Another option for getting a postgraduate grant is to seek out an organization dedicated to supporting aspiring professionals in your field. In these cases, it can be necessary to keep up a certain minimum grade point average. Often it is necessary to write an essay explaining what you plan to study and how your education will help you to contribute to your field to be awarded the grant.
There are a number of resources that provide graduate students with postgraduate grant information. Schools often receive notices from various organizations informing them of potential grant opportunities. There are also a number of online resources that list grant opportunities for students in specific fields. Factors such as academic excellence, field of study, and letters of recommendation often contribute to a student's success in being awarded grants.