Makeup artist certification requires entry in and completion of a formal makeup artist certification program. These programs typically are short in length and may require a brief internship. An undergraduate or graduate degree is not required for certification, and training is not as intensive as that for cosmetologists.
The first step in obtaining makeup artist certification is to find a school or academy that offers a certification program. In the United States, many of these schools are located in Los Angeles and New York, both because of the enormous population and entertainment demands in those regions. Individuals may find academies in other locations, however, with online programs available. Ideally, candidates should stick with state- or nationally-known programs, as these programs have had time to establish standard guidelines and carry industry recognition.
Once an individual has created a list of schools at which they might want to learn, she should investigate the curriculum for each school in-depth. For instance, she should find the exact course descriptions and the duration of each class. The cost of the program and the available instructors is also something to consider. Although most programs last one or two semesters, some are accelerated, seminar-like programs that can last as little as one week.
After looking at the individual schools, someone who wants to get makeup artist certification can apply to the program of her choice. Schools require a formal application, high school transcripts or equivalent documents, and a processing fee. The individual may start taking courses as required by the school once the admissions department processes the application.
During makeup school, individuals pursuing makeup artist certification take classes such as business skills, stage and theater makeup, cosmetology equipment and supplies, fashion and makeup trends, makeup application and color coordination. Makeup artists also study the fundamentals of skin and face care, with courses in safety also in some programs. Depending on the program and the artist's focus, classes may result in certification in beauty artistry, makeup application, makeup cosmetology or makeup artistry.
Makeup artists who want certification may do much of their work in a traditional class setting, online or at home, but some of the work requires hands-on application of techniques. To complete this work, a makeup artist requires makeup palettes and tools such as brushes and applicators. Some schools provide these supplies, but others do not. It is best to check the school's provision policy prior to application, because if the school does not provide supplies, the artist will have to purchase them for her business following certification.