Before you seek out a job in primary school teaching, you must make sure you are qualified for such a position. The requirements for a primary school teaching job will vary from region to region, so you will need to visit the local board of education to find out the specific requirements. In almost all cases, you will need to have a teaching credential or be working towards one in order to be considered for a primary school teaching position, you will need to become certified, and most locales require that you get fingerprinted and subjected to a background check or criminal history check.
If you are not certified to teach, there are two general paths to becoming certified for primary school teaching. The first is to obtain a post-secondary degree in education from an accredited college or university. This is usually a four year program that will end in you obtaining a bachelor's degree in education, and the coursework will prepare you for all the necessary examinations required to obtain a teaching certificate in your area. This is the most common route to primary school teaching certification, and in most cases the most thorough, as you will learn all the theory of teaching and be exposed to a functioning classroom during the student teaching phase of your education.
The other way to obtain primary school teaching certification is to earn the teaching certificate after having completed an undergraduate degree in another field. You can, for example, earn your degree in math or biology, and then choose to fulfill the individual requirements for certification after the fact. People who choose this route are often required to work toward a master's degree in an education-related field as they teach full-time. The requirements you will need to fulfill if you choose this route will vary according to your location, so it is best to check with your local school district.
Once you have fulfilled all the requirements for primary school teaching certification, you will need to apply for jobs at various schools. It helps if you have teaching experience prior to applying; this can be done by taking part in a student-teaching program, or by applying for a position as a substitute teacher. Such experience will add to your credentials and make you a more desirable job candidate for a potential employer. Experience with youth outside the classroom is also a good addition to a resumé, so if possible, volunteer with youth organizations in your area and gain credible experience organizing activities and teaching new skills.