Getting a job babysitting requires establishing that you are qualified and looking in the right places. Many people, particularly teenagers, are able to find a job babysitting simply by asking around and placing fliers in a neighborhood. Older babysitters who do not have an established list of clients may need to look into job sites and placement agencies. A variety of qualifications can help ensure that you will be hired, and certain personality traits will increase the likeliness that you will get a job. Like any job, being a well-prepared professional is very important when attending interviews and meeting potential clients.
Babysitting is a job that is often obtained through personal connections. Neighbors and the friends of parents are often a young babysitter's first clients. Working for these close associations is beneficial because typically the children of these clients will be familiar outside of employment, which can be easier for the children to handle. Clients who hire babysitters they know personally often feel they can trust that their children are safe.
It is also possible to get a job babysitting by looking at help-wanted ads. These advertisements typically list a number of qualifications that must be met in order to obtain the job. Another way to find available positions is to put up fliers in grocery stores listing your services and qualifications. Adult babysitters are sometimes called nannies or childcare providers, so it is important to look under these headings as well. These methods often lead to successful employment.
There are a number of certifications you can obtain in order to become more appealing to people who are looking for babysitters. On a basic level, there are babysitting courses available for younger people, which typically cover basic childcare and safety topics. Adults are often expected to be officially certified in CPR and other emergency procedures. When there are more qualified applicants than positions, adult babysitters are sometimes required to have advanced degrees in education or child development. Usually, having experience and being certified in safety programs is sufficient, but this depends on the job market.
Parents often demand that babysitters possess a number of personal attributes as well. For instance, some parents demand that babysitters be of a particular religion, gender, or dietary philosophy. This is usually because parents want their children to be watched by a person who is similar to them or at least adheres to a philosophy of which they approve. Even if you feel that you have been discriminated against, there is usually no recourse in these cases, so it is best to answer only ads placed by people who have not decided to rely on discrimination during job selection, but who will honestly evaluate your credentials. Not only will there be less of a chance of disappointment, but it is likely that the children of non-discriminatory parents will be less difficult as well.