In most cases, the simplest way to get a high credit limit is to take the initiative to contact your creditor and ask for one. You will also have to make sure that your credit history is in good shape and that you do not have too much outstanding debt. In most cases, you should be able to contact your creditor by phone or by letter in order to request a high credit limit. Keep in mind, however, that your creditor is not obligated to raise your limit.
With credit cards and other types of credit accounts, you will most likely have a pre-set credit limit to work with. Most creditors start out by setting individuals a credit limit that is relatively low. This allows the credit card company to see how the individual will handle credit and whether or not the borrower will pay on time.
After you have used your account with a smaller credit limit for a certain amount time, you can try to get a high credit limit. In order to do this, you need to be proactive and contact your creditor. In most cases, you can call your credit card company and ask them to raise your credit limit to a higher amount. You should be able to access their customer service phone number and talk to a customer service representative about this issue. The representative may be able to help you, or he or she may need to talk to a manager for authorization.
In some cases, you may be required to communicate with your credit card company in writing. If this is the case, you need to write a letter requesting a high credit limit. You might give them a specific number that you want your credit increased by if you have something in mind.
In order to improve your chances of getting a higher credit limit, you may want to check out your credit report first. This way, you can see what your creditor sees when they look at your credit history. In order to determine if you are worthy of a high credit limit, your creditor will check to see if your credit is in good order. You should also consider paying down any balances that you have on other credit accounts so that you can decrease the total amount of debt that you have.
Once the credit card company has all of this information, it will make a decision as to what your credit limit should be. Credit card companies typically use ratios to determine what a maximum credit limit should be set at. They will review your information and let you know the decision.