Before choosing any distance learning education degree program, you must first decide what field of education you want to study. Elementary education degree programs will be different than secondary education programs, which will of course be different than early childhood education programs. Decide which age group you want to work with, and then research the different distance learning education degree programs relevant to that age group. Once you have settled on the field, find accredited schools that offer a flexible and affordable program to fit your specific needs. Avoid non-accredited institutions, and find a program with a well-qualified and experienced teaching staff.
When researching different distance learning education degree programs, be sure to note what the requirements are for on-site student teaching. This may have an impact on how you schedule your classes or approach the curriculum. Just about all distance learning education degree programs will require an on-site student teaching requirement, so be sure you understand what will be required of you before embarking on the degree path. Be sure to note whether the required testing is included in the degree program, or whether you will need to sign up for such testing on your own. The testing requirements will differ from state to state and country to country, so be sure the program you choose offers the testing relevant to your location.
Choose a distance learning education degree program offered by an accredited institution. Accreditation ensures that an institution is offering a high quality education that is recognized by employers as well as other educational institutions. Attending a non-accredited school may reduce your chances of securing employment after completion of the program, and it may also make you ineligible for certain types of financial aid. Attending an accredited institution will also increase the likelihood that your earned credits will be transferable to another institution should you choose to change programs.
Research how the classes for each program are taught. Some courses of a distance learning education degree program will be taught asynchronously, which means you will be able to work on the course at your own pace when your schedule allows it. Synchronous classes will require you to be online to attend class at a specific time, making scheduling slightly more difficult. Synchronous classes allow you more direct interaction with instructors and fellow students, however, so be sure to choose the type of class that suits your learning style best.