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How do I get a Distance Learning Accounting Degree?

Nicole Madison
Nicole Madison
Nicole Madison
Nicole Madison

In order to earn a distance learning accounting degree, you will likely have to start by researching programs that offer such degrees and are accredited. Once you have chosen a school, you will typically have to apply for admission and wait for acceptance. This may involve submitting high school transcripts and standardized test scores, depending on the requirements of the school in question. Once enrolled, you may learn via any combination of online and video lectures, online and video learning materials, and textbooks. You can likely earn an associate's degree in about two years and a bachelor's degree in about four.

When you want to earn a distance learning accounting degree, your first step may involve researching distance learning programs that are accredited and offer degrees. Some distance learning accounting programs may seem adequate, but if they are not accredited, you may have a difficult time getting potential employers, accounting clients, and other schools' admissions staff to take the degree you earn seriously. In general, the distance learning accounting program you choose should provide you with the knowledge you need to pursue your goals as well as a respected credential.

An online accounting degree program should prepare a student for the CPA exam.
An online accounting degree program should prepare a student for the CPA exam.

As with traditional college programs, most distance learning accounting degree programs will expect you to apply for admission. To be accepted, you will typically need a high school or equivalency diploma. Different schools may set different requirements for admission, however. Many will consider your high school transcripts and grade point average when deciding whether to admit you, and some may consider standardized test scores as well. If you are applying as an adult who has been out of high school for several years, however, some degree programs may consider your high school grades less important or not consider them at all.

Researching accredited distance learning accounting programs is the first step to obtaining a distance learning accounting degree.
Researching accredited distance learning accounting programs is the first step to obtaining a distance learning accounting degree.

Once enrolled in a distance learning accounting degree program, you may learn using a variety of education tools. For example, some degree programs may deliver lessons via video and online. Many include textbooks in their programs as well. Some may allow you to learn and submit assignments entirely online while others may require you to mail in assignments and tests to an instructor. To succeed in a distance learning accounting degree program, you may do well to compare the learning format each program offers and choose the format that best fits your learning style.

The length of time you will have to spend earning a distance learning accounting degree may depend on the specific program you choose and the degree you seek. If you want to earn an associate’s degree in accounting, you may need about two years to complete a program. Alternatively, you may choose to pursue a bachelor’s degree in accounting, which may require about four years of studying. If you choose to commit to your studies part time, however, you may need additional time to earn a degree.

Nicole Madison
Nicole Madison
Nicole Madison's love for learning inspires her work as a WiseGEEK writer, where she focuses on topics like homeschooling, parenting, health, science, and business. Her passion for knowledge is evident in the well-researched and informative articles she authors. As a mother of four, Nicole balances work with quality family time activities such as reading, camping, and beach trips. Learn more...
Nicole Madison
Nicole Madison
Nicole Madison's love for learning inspires her work as a WiseGEEK writer, where she focuses on topics like homeschooling, parenting, health, science, and business. Her passion for knowledge is evident in the well-researched and informative articles she authors. As a mother of four, Nicole balances work with quality family time activities such as reading, camping, and beach trips. Learn more...

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