For one thing, getting a criminal justice degree online can mean earning a degree in the field of criminal justice, so that you end up with a degree in that broad area. Because criminal justice involves the entire law enforcement system, prosecution, defense, the judiciary, and corrections, there are a number of more specialized fields of study that can also fit the description. Therefore, getting a criminal justice degree online can mean a number of different things.
Suppose you are interested in law enforcement. You might therefore seek a criminal justice degree online in the field of Police Sciences or Law Enforcement. If you are interested in prosecution, defense, or the judiciary, then you may be looking for a law degree, or—if you are interested in forensics—a degree in Investigative Forensics, Crime Scene Investigation, or Forensic Science. Court Reporting also has a specialized degree. For corrections, you may look for degrees in Correctional Administration and Management or a certificate in corrections.
In addition to the variety of fields, a number of different types of degrees are available. One may earn an associate degree, a bachelor of science degree, a bachelor of arts degree, a master of science degree, a master of business administration degree, a master of public administration degree, or a doctorate. Certificates are also offered, but the names of these are less standardized.
Once you have determined what field and degree you are interested in, you will need to seek online schools. You can do this at a website like WorldWideLearn or Google “criminal justice degree online,” substituting a more specific degree if you wish. Whichever online schools you consider, be sure to check the school’s accreditation and your state’s requirements, if any, for licensure. Accreditation both assures you of a quality education as well as helping you know that that education will suit you for employment in the field you wish to enter.
As you consider schools, also consider how they deliver their instruction, whether you will have the opportunity to interact with the instructor and other students, and how much time you have to devote to the program. You should also consider the length of time that it characteristically takes to complete the program, and see if you can find reviews by former or current students. Once you’ve taken these steps, you’re ready to begin work in your criminal justice degree online.