Professionals who use technical analysis study market data to learn how certain financial instruments, such as securities and futures, might perform. While individuals who perform fundamental analysis look at the current statuses of instruments, technical analysts use historical data to locate economic indicators that can give them insight into the present and future behaviors of financial instruments. A certificate in technical analysis often is required, or at least preferred, by employers of financial firms. To get a certificate in technical analysis, you first should consider which programs you are qualified to enter and which level of certification you would like to earn.
In most regions there are two basic choices. On one hand, an individual can earn a certificate in technical analysis that is a professional certification. Professional certification programs often are less selective than academic degree programs. It also is common for these programs to be less rigorous than degree programs.
If the kind of certificate in technical analysis you want is a master's degree, you first need to earn an undergraduate degree in a field such as finance. In most cases, you also have to earn a satisfactory score on a proficiency exam. It is common in the United States, for example, for aspiring graduate business students to take the Graduate Management Admission Test® (GMAT®). You also might need to have a minimum grade point average and several letters of reference from academic and professional contacts. Application requirements differ from school to school.
Individuals in either kind of certificate program should plan on spending about two years taking courses in subjects such as behavioral finance, international markets, and ethics related to financial investment. A person who wants a certificate in technical analysis from a professional certification program normally has to pass a test in two parts. He or she takes a multiple choice portion and completes an essay.
Students in master's programs normally have to write research papers that are approved by faculty boards. In most cases, acceptable research papers are required to have some practical use and they must also be unique and take fresh perspectives on issues related to technical analysis. Some programs do require that graduate students also pass exams prior to earning their degrees.
To earn a certificate in technical analysis, you normally do have to pay tuition. While professional certificate programs tend to be less expensive, some academic degree programs offer students the opportunity to apply for financial aid. Internet programs are popular among students searching for lower costs and greater degrees of flexibility.