Human resources is a field devoted to recruiting, hiring and training the human capital of a company. Earning a certificate in human resource management may help you obtain a job in this field or help you advance your career if you are already working in it. You can earn such a certificate at several online and physical locations, including professional training centers, technical schools and academic colleges. You will need to choose a program, register, pay your fees and then pass all coursework and associated examinations.
Choosing the right program is important if you want to earn a certificate in human resource management. You will want to research physical campuses in your area that offer programs and may also want to evaluate online options. Primary considerations include availability of classes, reputation of the school, length of the program and cost. You will also want to consider the times and formats of the available courses.
Once you choose a program, you will need to apply to the school, be accepted and register and pay for classes. Programs leading to a certificate in human resource management rarely have stringent admission requirements, but you will probably need to prove that you have earned a high school diploma. If the program has general education requirements, such as English or math, and if you have already passed these classes while earning a degree, you will need to provide college transcripts — if you haven't taken the prerequisite courses, you will need to do so. Most such programs do not offer financial aid, but you should check with your company to see if professional development assistance is available. If so, you may need to be prepared to pay for your classes up front and be reimbursed by your company as you pass each course.
Certificate in human resource management programs vary in terms of length and content. Many include coursework on employment law, industry best practices and ethics. You will need to complete and pass all required courses and may need to complete a comprehensive exam at the end of the program.
It is important to note that a certificate in human resource management is not the same as a degree, which generally takes two to six years to complete. Degree programs in human resource management — and in business management with a human resource focus — are available through many technical and academic colleges. A certificate is also different from a certification, which is generally issued by a regulatory agency and is only required in certain human resource careers.