The best way to get a builders apprenticeship is to speak with local businesses in your area to speak with managers and owners about becoming an apprentice. You have better luck if you are attending a school or training program at the same time, although this is not necessary for all building professions. Your school or educational institution may be able to help you find a builders apprenticeship since local businesses will often approach educational facilities for help in recruiting new workers.
Whether or not you need prior educational experience before getting a builders apprenticeship will depend on the job you wish to obtain. Carpenters, flooring contractors, and roofers usually do not need specific training in order to begin an apprenticeship. Electrical workers, plumbers, and heating and air conditioning workers may have to attend a trade school prior to landing an apprenticeship. Most apprenticeships take place directly after schooling has been completed, or during the last semester of classes.
You can find businesses which may offer a builders apprenticeship by calling or visiting local companies in your area who specialize in the work you want to get involved with. Explain to the hiring officials that you are a student or that you are interested in pursuing a career in construction and ask about any apprenticeship opportunities they can offer. In some cases the company may need full-time help, and you will have the chance to work as a full-time employer. This allows apprentices to learn on the job while earning a living.
In other cases, especially if you are still attending school, a builders apprenticeship will involve working part time. You may not be able to find a builder apprenticeship right away, but internships may be available. This is similar to an apprenticeship, but these positions are usually not paid and are intended to give you experience in your chosen field. You may have to take on an additional job while completing an internship.
Your school may be able to help you find apprenticeships. Many educational facilities have connections with local companies who have agreed to work with recent graduates during an apprenticeship or internship. You can also check job boards and help wanted ads in your local publications or online since many businesses advertise for apprenticeships there.