There are several steps to getting a Bachelor of Science in communications. First, find and apply to an accredited college or university that offers that degree. After being accepted to the school, plan your coursework to ensure that you will meet degree and concentration requirements. Complete all required courses and submit the necessary documentation to receive your degree. Many people who receive a Bachelor of Science in communications go on to interesting and important work in journalism or other communications careers.
When searching for a college or university that offers a Bachelor of Science in communications, look for schools that fit your educational goals and criteria. Many students focus on location and cost, which are certainly important criteria, but finding a school that is reputable and has a strong communications program should also be a high priority. If location and cost are limiting factors, it may be helpful to do a generic geographic search, narrow the results based on cost, and then evaluate the remaining schools' communications programs.
When analyzing a potential school's academic programs, consider factors such as the teacher-to-student ratio, campus technology, and job placement statistics. Also take time to look at the types of courses offered within the communications major. Many schools offer concentration options and minors that allow students to focus on a particular aspect of communication studies. Prior to applying to any school, become familiar with the course offerings and all that the school has to offer. Once you have a handful of potential schools, rank them based on which one you would most like to attend.
Once you are accepted, you should learn as much as you can about the Bachelor of Science in communications program, faculty, and coursework. The department that offers the Bachelor of Science in communications, which is often the English department, is likely to provide important materials such as course listings, handbooks, and degree requirement documentation. You can use these resources to plan your coursework and ensure that you will meet program and concentration requirements. Your plan may change from semester to semester, but it is important to have an overall idea of the progress you are making toward the degree, as it could end up saving you money or helping you to avoid staying additional semesters to complete required courses.
As you work toward a bachelor of science in communications, keep track of your grade point average. Most schools recognize high marks with honors for students who achieve a certain grade point average within their major area of study. Academic distinctions such as these may help your resume stand out.