To get a bachelor of education degree, or a B.Ed. for short, you will need to attend an accredited institution that offers this degree option, and then complete all the coursework and experience requirements necessary to obtain the degree. A bachelor of education differs from the somewhat more common bachelor of science degree in education; the first is typically a somewhat more specialized degree, but there is nothing preventing someone from getting a B.S. in education and specializing in a certain area of education. You will first need to determine the school you want to attend, and complete all the application requirements in time.
A bachelor of education is usually designed to be completed in four years, like most bachelor's degrees, though it may require certain grades to enter into the degree program in the first place. For this reason, it is important to get good grades in high school. When trying to get a bachelor of education degree, it will typically be required to maintain a certain grade point average (GPA) as you progress throughout the program. This may sometimes be a 2.5, but this is fairly low; many schools require a 3.0 average or higher in the degree program.
You will likely need to determine a specialty when pursuing a bachelor of education degree. Some of these include early childhood education, elementary education, middle school education, or high school education. You might also choose an area of expertise, such as math, history, English, or biology, to name a few. This will allow you to take classes that pertain directly to your career goals and offer valuable experience. In addition to your education courses, you will likely need to take general education courses with all of the other students who may be pursuing different degree programs at the university; this is designed to encourage a well rounded education.
Typically, one of the requirements for a bachelor of education degree is a student teaching internship. You will often complete this internship while you are still attending college and taking classes, and it will generally be with students who fall into the age group you wish to teach. It is important to do well at this internship because it offers valuable experience for future job prospects. In addition, it is generally necessary to obtain a teaching certificate as well in order to become licensed in the state in which you wish to teach, which may be done after you complete your bachelor of education degree; some continuing education may be required over time to maintain the license.