Filing a credit card dispute could help you clear up problems with a charge on your credit card. Whether the issue is a fraudulent charge or the product that you purchased did not live up to expectations, filing a credit card dispute could solve the problem. Filing a credit card dispute involves writing a dispute letter, sending the letter to your credit card company, withholding payment, and then waiting for results.
In order to start the process of a credit card dispute, you need to write a letter to your credit card company. This letter is going to detail the exact charge you are disputing. Give the credit card company as much detail as possible about this transaction. If you have proof, such as a bill from the seller, you may want to include this with your letter. Try to be as detailed as possible and ask the credit card company specifically to remove the charge from your account.
After you write the letter to the credit card company, you need to send it via certified mail. This way, the credit card company will not be able to dispute the fact that it was received. When you are sending a credit card dispute letter, you need to do it within 60 days of the issue. After 60 days is up, you can no longer dispute charges.
Once you submit the letter, you should withhold your payment. According to the laws associated with this subject, you can withhold the principal amount as well as the interest that is accruing on the purchase. You should continue to make your regular payment even if the matter is not resolved and even if you are going to withhold the portion that is in question. Otherwise, you might be held liable for late fees.
The next part of the process involves waiting for the credit card company to issue a decision. In most cases, the credit card company is going to side with the customer. Customers are what keep credit card companies in business and they want to keep their customers happy as much as possible. Once you send a letter to the credit card company, the company has to acknowledge receipt of the letter within 30 days. After that, the credit card company has 90 days to investigate the item in question and issue a ruling as to what should be done.