One of the first things you may want to consider as you start to design a custom driveway is the shape of the terrain in which the driveway will exist. Just about every decision you make will likely reflect the general lay of the land in some way, from working with what you have and making your driveway fit the terrain to changing your land in grandiose ways to make your driveway unique. You should also think about consulting a professional, such as a general contractor or someone with extensive experience in creating and paving driveways. There are also a number of specific options and features you should consider as you design a custom driveway, such as the shape of the driveway, the appearance of the asphalt or cement you use, and other details like gates, lamps, and fences.
While you may be initially overzealous, or reluctant, to design a custom driveway, you should try to begin by stopping a moment to consider the overall design of your driveway. This means it is often best to begin with the layout of your yard or the land in which you plan to create the driveway. You might get a landscaper or surveyor to plot out the area and help you create a graphical representation of the land, so you have a sense of the shape of the ground and any elevation features you may be dealing with.
This will allow you to design a custom driveway that either works with the land you already have or that completely changes the natural landscape to create something unique. You should also consider working with a professional who has experience designing and creating driveways, to supplement your own creativity and vision with the sense of reality needed to design a custom driveway. A professional, such as a general contractor, can also help you ensure you have any forms or permits you may need to construct your driveway and help you contact electricians or other professionals for additional features you may want.
As you design a custom driveway you should consider a number of features that can enhance the general look of your driveway. While the shape of your driveway is important, you should also think about other details that can make your custom driveway even more remarkable. You could apply a texture or paint to the driveway itself, for example, or have a custom gate built to welcome guests to your home. Lamps running along your driveway and fences that enclose your property can also enhance the shape and form of your driveway to create a more impressive final product.