Before you choose to enroll in a woodworking school, it is important to determine your goals for enrolling in such a school as well as what type of woodworking you intend to do once you complete a program. When researching the different woodworking school options, be sure to find out if the equipment used for instruction is in keeping with the most up-to-date technology. Much of the woodworking done for larger companies that mass produce goods will be done with computer numerically controlled machines, or CNC machines, so make sure the school you choose has such machines for instruction.
You may want to consider choosing a woodworking school that focuses primarily on the type of woodworking you want to do. Some schools, for example, may focus primarily on cabinet making, and enrolling at such a school will be wise if this is your intended career path. If you are unsure of what type of woodworking you want to do upon completion of the program, try to choose a broader program that will teach you skills useful in all woodworking applications. Any woodworking school you choose should teach you the basics of using hand tools as well as common power tools; some schools will avoid too much curriculum focused on CNC machines. These schools may not be best for you unless your intended career path will specifically avoid the use of these machines.
Be sure to look into the reputation of each woodworking school you are considering. Visit local woodworkers to find out if they have any recommendations for schools in your area. Remember that tuition costs for these schools can vary, so do a bit of research to find out which woodworking school will fit your budget the best. It may be necessary for you to travel to the woodworking school; if this is the case, the cost of attending the school may be significantly increased.
It is important, too, to decide beforehand whether an education from a woodworking school will benefit you. In many cases, it may be sufficient to apprentice under an experienced woodworker to get the skills you need to become a professional. In other cases, an employer may require that you attend a school before applying for a job. If the latter case is true, it is a good idea to ask the employer if they have a preference as to which school you should attend.