When you're looking for a wood folding chair, choose a model with a smooth finish. This could be either sanded, unfinished wood or a wooden chair with a clear varnish coating. The folding mechanism should also be easy to open and close. Choose a design that has an ample seat width and length for the most comfort.
A seat length that is too short will likely dig into the back of the thighs, which can not only feel uncomfortable but diminish circulation. If a wood folding chair seat is too narrow, it can be extremely uncomfortable as well as not very sturdy. Adding a padded chair cushion can add comfort; consider the tie-on options to prevent the pillow from slipping off.
If you're looking for easily portable wooden folding chairs, pick a lightweight style. Folding wood chairs with heavy metal bar hardware may be sturdier, but they are also heavier. If possible, shop for a wood folding chair set in person so you can decide on the best compromise between sturdiness and weight that suits your needs. If you're planning on just using the wood folding chairs in your home, such as for entertaining or outside on a patio or balcony, a heavier weight may be more desirable.
If you're going to use wood folding chairs outdoors, look for water-resistant types. Teak wood is an excellent choice for folding garden chairs, as it can be left out in rainy weather without becoming warped or damaged. Teak folding chairs are available in different styles, from high or low back to armless or with arms. These styles of wood folding chair are also sold in children's sizes, so having enough of these seats on hand for family use as well as outdoor entertaining may be a good idea.
For warm weather use, consider choosing open-slatted, rather than solid, wood folding chairs. There are wood folding chair styles that feature open slat construction on both the backrest and the seat to allow for maximum air flow. A great advantage of the slatted styles is that they tend to look more attractive than many wood chairs with closed-in backs and seats.
If you pick wood folding chairs that are attractive enough for indoor use as well as for outdoors, you'll get more value from your purchase. Some wood folding chair designs are so versatile they can be used for indoor dining chairs. No matter what style of wooden folding chair you decide on, remember to consider how you'll store the chairs, whether hanging up or placed horizontally or vertically in storage.