You can choose the best webmaster school by researching various educational programs in website design and development. Some webmaster schools emphasize different areas of web operations, and examining descriptions of their offered courses will give you a good idea of which program matches your interests. If you want to learn how to design and maintain websites, you will want to enroll in a webmaster school that emphasizes web page coding and the use of related design software. A quality set of courses will also usually prepare you to perform the back-end maintenance required of a website administrator. Webmaster schools can be formal or informal, so you may also need to decide if you want to enroll in a program that will lead to a technical degree or other type of professional certification.
Some established webmasters report that every facet of web operations and design can be learned through online tutorials or sets of informal courses. Many tutorials are available at no cost, although their quality can vary. Private online educational courses make up another option for a webmaster school, and these are often available from independent companies that are not affiliated with a college or university. The quality of instruction in these online courses is usually the best when an established web development professional teaches them. If you are considering this option for web master instruction, past student testimonials can usually help you make the most informed choice.
Formal education is another option for a webmaster school. Many two-year technical colleges offer degree programs in computer science with an emphasis in web design or web architecture. The advantage to one of these programs is that they typically follow an established curriculum that varies only slightly from one school to the next. This type of webmaster school will normally include courses in beginning hypertext markup language (HTML), cascading style sheet (CSS) programming, and principles of good content development. You will also typically learn how to use image editing and graphic design software as they apply to website design.
Some of the best webmaster schools will often prepare you for industry-specific certifications in various areas of web operations. Completing one of these certification exams will generally give you an advantage when you apply for web master jobs. In addition to certifications, a high quality webmaster school will also provide guidance in creating a portfolio of websites that will showcase your skills to potential employers.