To choose wavy hair extensions, determine the best texture and color for your current hairstyle. Matching the extension texture with your own is important in order for it to look realistic and natural. As for color, some people also match that to their own, while other people choose to go with an unnatural but complimentary color. Once you have a good idea of what wavy hair extensions suit you, visit a beauty supply store. Hair extensions differ in quality, so ask questions to determine the care instructions, roughly how long each brand lasts, and if the hair will tolerate heat styling.
Human hair has different degrees of waviness, just like there are many degrees of curliness. It is best to match hair texture in person, because it is very difficult to judge hair texture on a computer or while on the phone with a beauty supply store employee. Matching texture when not in person is similar to matching one striped fabric with another; the height and spacing of the stripes look the same in the pictures, but might be completely different in person. When in doubt, get a hairstylist or beauty supply store employee to help. People who work with hair extensions on a daily basis are often quick at matching texture.
One flexible aspect of wavy hair extensions is the color; you do not actually have to get the same color as your own hair. In some countries, hair dyed an unnatural color is common, so people may not immediately think an unnatural hair color means you have hair extensions. As long as the texture matches and the extensions are cut to match your hairstyle, the wavy hair extensions will just look dyed. A tell-tale sign of having extensions, though, is attempting to match your own color but getting the color slightly wrong. Match the color with a friend’s or professional’s help, and view the extensions against your own hair in natural light.
The number of hair extensions at a beauty supply store can be overwhelming. In general, straight extensions are the most expensive, and wavy cost more than curly. Quality of the extensions heavily influences the price too, and this is a major deciding factor in how long the wavy hair extensions will hold up. Normally, a store employee knows which brands are known for their quality. They are also usually knowledgeable in how to care for hair extensions and what styling products can be used on them.