Having excellent telephone etiquette can prove to be one of the most important skills an individual can possess in life. An individual can receive quality telephone etiquette training through a number of educational outlets. Many colleges and universities offer courses as a part of their business curriculum, private organizations may offer classes at a local facility or high school, or a number of on-line training firms offer coursework though e-learning programs or virtual classrooms. When choosing telephone etiquette training, look for classes that address the environments in which you'll be using the telephone most often, the convenience and availability of training, and the format that works best for you.
Before you begin searching for training options, consider in what context you'll be using the telephone most often. For many people, good business telephone etiquette is the most important concern. It is often very important for people who communicate in a business setting at all levels — from the receptionist, to the customer service staff, to salespeople — to know proper etiquette for speaking on the telephone. Telephone etiquette training may be slightly different depending on your job, so make sure you choose a course that addresses your specific needs.
A local college or university is an excellent starting point when searching for a telephone etiquette training program that is best for you. First, research the schools in your area to determine the quality of their business curriculum, faculty, and alumni. Most often a university which takes pride in the quality of its business programs and wishes to give its students well-rounded preparation for future professional positions will offer telephone etiquette training. Business and communication schools will examine speech, vocabulary, and ethics, which can encourage quality communication.
Their are many private organizations and training firms that offer telephone etiquette training not only to large corporations but to many individual business professionals as well. Again, search for reputable firms who have conducted training programs for large companies and organizations, being mindful of their products and their customer service ratings from year to year. Contact their clients or the companies they have trained to sample the business phone etiquette used by their sales, customer service, and representative staff to experience first-hand the level of quality you will gain through their teachings and the level of detail invested in their programs.
Many schools, universities, and private organizations use the Internet to effectively deliver quality telephone etiquette training to those individuals who are unable to attend classes outside their homes. Much of the training is conducted in virtual classrooms with online instructors who can allow the student to pace the training to a level which is most beneficial. Some are automated or timed courses, which cover more detail but are less personal than those conducted by live teacher. No matter which type of training you select, the primary focus should point towards quality.