The best teacher courses are those that result in the type of qualifications you are looking for. This means that if you need a degree in order to teach a certain level of students, then teaching courses that will help you obtain that degree are likely the best match. If you already have a basic degree and desire additional education in order to become a better teacher, then special courses can be the best route. As far as the prestige of the teacher courses is concerned, certain people find that taking local classes is the only option available, while others find that taking courses from a prestigious institution is more lucrative. Depending on your situation, either option may be appropriate.
Most areas have certain qualifications that are required for teachers of different levels. Making sure that your qualifications will allow you to teach at the level desired is absolutely essential when choosing teacher courses. Beyond this basic constraint, the differences between teacher courses are largely a matter of opinion. It is certainly true that better teacher courses involve more practice and classroom experience, but largely theoretical courses of an advanced nature may involve no classroom time at all. Which courses are the best courses is largely situational.
The school from which you obtain a degree can be somewhat important when attempting to get a job later on. A prestigious school may be helpful when applying for jobs, but a local college that has a relationship with schools in the area may be equally advantageous. People who are already employed or settled in a certain area may wish to attend a local college in order to minimize the difficulties associated with moving. A person who is already away from home or unsettled may wish to attend the most prestigious school available.
In terms of what the courses teach, the benefits are largely dependent on the program. Having good teachers can make a teacher course more effective, but students do not always have a choice in this matter. A school that offers support for students and good resources can often offer better teacher courses overall, but each individual course may vary. Talking to people who have already attended the program can be extremely helpful when selecting teacher courses.
Overall, what matters most is the effort put in by the student and the reputation he or she develops, not any specific course. A student who goes above and beyond what is expected will stand out even against students who went to better schools. Thinking of unique ways to stand out in a class may be more important for your career than choosing the best teacher courses.