Before you enroll in any surveyor courses, you should first determine what your education goals are so you can ensure the courses will cater to your needs. The surveyor courses a beginner will take, for example, will cover the basics of surveying, but such a course will not be especially useful for a current surveyor looking to learn more about developing techniques or new equipment. If you are looking to get certified as a surveyor, be sure any courses you choose to take will help you accomplish this goal. Some courses are specifically designed to prepare you for such certification.
It is important to choose surveyor courses offered by a reputable institution. Do a bit of research into surveyor courses and the institutions offering them; many colleges and universities will offer these courses, but not all institutions are the same. Try to choose an educational institution that is accredited, which means it has been shown to offer high-quality educational programs that are respected and recognized by employers and other educational institutions. Find out who is teaching the surveyor courses as well; instructors should be knowledgeable professionals with plenty of experience in the field. All instructors should hold appropriate certifications as well.
Some institutions may also offer a surveyor degree program that will prepare you for a career in the field. If you choose to enroll in such a program, think about the time commitment, as well as the financial commitment, you will have to undertake in order to earn the degree. You will end up spending several years working toward the degree, during which time it may be difficult or impossible to work full-time to support yourself. You may also need to obtain financial aid to help pay for your education. Think carefully about how you will pay for tuition as well as how you will pay for day-to-day necessities during your studies.
If you are currently a surveyor and want to take surveyor courses to satisfy professional development requirements, or to simply improve your understanding of the field, you will need to research programs that will allow you flexibility in scheduling and offer various subject matter appropriate for your needs. Consider taking online surveyor courses if you have a particularly difficult schedule to work around, though you should keep in mind that online courses offer less direct guidance from instructors and you will have to do more self-directed learning.