Choosing the correct spirulina capsules involves understanding the effects of the nutritional supplement on the body, discovering the source of the material used, and other details, such as the capsule dissolution rate. Spirulina is a blue green single celled algae, most commonly found in South America and parts of Africa. This substance contains many of the essential vitamins and minerals needed for good health, and is easily digested and used by the human body. In addition to capsules, spirulina is also available in tablets, flakes, and liquid extract forms. Many people choose to use the capsule version because it is convenient and easy to carry with them throughout the day.
Spirulina is considered one of the world's great superfoods for several important reasons, such as the huge assortment of vitamins, proteins, and minerals it contains. For example, the large amount of carotene naturally occurring in this substance contributes to its reputation as an antioxidant source. These capsules also offer an adequate source of vitamin B complexes needed for breaking down carbohydrates and fats as well as for overall cardiovascular health. It contains effective amounts of gamma-linoleic acid, an essential fatty acid. Many nutrition experts believe this supplement has the ability to reduce the risk of such diseases as diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.
Like many other nutritional supplements, most experts advise choosing spirulina capsules that are produced from only natural algae. Most manufacturers cultivate spirulina in much the same way a scientist cultivates bacteria in the lab. It is then freeze dried to retain all of its vital nutrients and health benefits before being powdered. The powder can then be mixed with other ingredients and pressed into tablet form and sold as is, or combined with liquid to create the extract version. The spirulina powder is also placed in edible capsule forms for easy use as well.
Good quality spirulina capsules are usually made with high capsule dissolution rates to both promote quick absorption by the body and reduce the time the capsule substance spends in the stomach. This practice helps reduce the likelihood of stomach upset from the capsule shell to the stomach lining. Manufacturers use food grade capsules, usually made of gelatin. For vegans, there are other products available without this animal based ingredient. Consumers should be aware that choosing spirulina capsules over the other versions of the supplement may involve taking several, potentially up to 10, capsules each day to get the daily recommended amount.