There are four things to consider when looking for the best speech therapy training: education level, accreditation, faculty qualifications, and class size. Speech therapy training is available from universities, colleges, and online schools. The level of the course material varies widely, depending on the target audience. When selecting a course, take the time to think about your motivations and how you intend to apply the knowledge gained.
There are a wide range of levels for speech therapy training. Courses at the undergraduate level may be part of a degree in speech language pathology, or an option for a social work, teaching or psychology degree. At the master's level, the courses are quite detailed, addressing specific theories and concepts at a very high level.
The expectation is that all students have read the course description and are able to complete the work required. Upon completion of this type of program, candidates can work as a speech therapist. At the college level, the training provided is very practical, designed to provide techniques to assist the speech therapist working with clients.
When selecting a speech therapy course, it is very important to read both the course description and the recommended prerequisites. This information is very helpful when deciding if the course is at the proper level of skill to meet your requirements. Prerequisites may include a specific course or an entire degree. Although most schools will allow you to register for a course, regardless of the prerequisites, additional effort is required to learn the material covered in that course.
When looking for a speech training program, check the accreditation status of the school. An accredited school has been reviewed by an independent third party. Courses from an accredited school can be transferred to other post-secondary institutions. In addition, accredited schools can offer students access to government student aid programs.
All speech therapy training programs should be taught by a verified expert. This may include a speech therapist, speech pathologist, or a neurologist. The academic credentials are very important, as the material is used as the basis for diagnosis and treatment of speech impediments. Look for the types of research and publications that the instructors have published to gain a better understanding of their focus.
Small class size is best for a speech therapy training program, as it allows the instructor to arrange a series of interactive activities. Students work in pairs or teams, trying different techniques to help patients with their speech issues. The smaller the class size, the more attention the instructor can provide.