There are four items to consider when choosing the best speech pathology college: admissions requirements, accreditation, specialized programs, and faculty. A speech pathologist has specialized training in speech, the human brain, speech-related disorders, and effective methods for treating them. The speech pathology college is usually organized within the Faculty of Medicine in a larger university. Be wary of any school offering speech pathology that is not affiliated with a university or college.
Deciding on the best speech pathology college is a difficult process. The first item to decide is to attend either a college or university. The college program provides training as a technologist, while the university program provides training to be a professional pathologist. The very best programs offer the training necessary to have a successful career at either level. However, it is important to note that there is a limitation on your career advancement, based on the level of education achieved.
In order to qualify for admission to speech pathology college, high marks in biology, English, technology, and another science course are required. If you are looking at the best speech pathology college in the country or state, take note that the admissions standard is higher to reflect the increased demand. As such, only students with the very best combination of marks and letters of recommendation are offered admissions. If you do not have the very best marks in your class, think about applying to schools that offer programs you are interested in or will help your career later on. Best is a relative term, and being at the bottom of the class in the very best school will not help your career.
When looking for a speech pathology college, check the accreditation status of the school with care. An accredited school has been reviewed by an independent third party. Courses from an accredited school can be transferred to other post-secondary institutions and are accepted by certifying and licensing boards. This is very useful, as an average of 20 percent of all students graduate from a different school than the one where they completed their first-year courses. Accredited schools are able to offer students access to government student aid programs.
If you do not have the very best marks, look for schools that have specialized programs. Many colleges offer programs to work with a target client group, address a local need, or explore an important line of research. Strive to be the best in a specific area or field within speech pathology.
Most speech pathology colleges provide the biographies of their course instructors on the official website. The information provided here typically includes their academic credentials, research focus, publications, and any awards they have received. Make sure this list includes at least a few of the instructors you will actually get. Check the fine print to ensure that you are not reading the very impressive biography of the dean of the school.