There are four items to consider when choosing the best speech pathologist school: education level, speech language clinic access, admissions requirements, and faculty. A speech pathologist school can be part of a larger university or a separate school. The best speech pathologist schools are affiliated with research universities, medical schools, and speech language therapy programs.
There are two types of programs available through a speech pathologist school: speech pathologist and speech pathologist assistant. A speech pathologist is the primary care provider for clients with speech and language issues. The assistant provides additional support to clients as they follow the plan prescribed by the pathologist or speech therapist.
Selecting the best school should be based on your own goals, achievements, and skill levels. An honest review of your high school marks, level of effort, and dedication is a strong indicator to help you decide which school is best for you. It is important to review the level of effort required by the program and select the option where you will be both challenged and successful.
The best speech pathologist school should have a speech language clinic on site, or have a formal arrangement in place with the local free medical services clinic. In the clinic environment, clients who are unable to afford the services of a pathologist are able to access these services. The student has the opportunity to interact directly with clients, diagnose problems, and prescribe treatment plans. All work is completed under the supervision of a certified speech language pathologist.
In order to qualify for admission to become a speech pathologist, you must have a minimum bachelor's degree from an accredited university. Speech pathology is a master’s level, professional program. Review the admission requirements, as they can vary significantly by school. Many schools require a personal interview or essay before making an admissions offer.
Admission requirements to become a speech language assistant are based on a high school diploma, with courses in English, biology, and technology. In addition, many programs require some type of experience working in the health care services. This experience can be obtained through a volunteer position or a high school cooperative learning program.
Most speech pathologist schools provide the biographies of their faculty or instructors on their websites. The information listed typically includes the academic credentials, work experience, special training, and any awards they have received. Review the information with care and learn more about the types of programs that the speech pathologist school offers.