Before you can choose social worker online classes, you first need to think about the type of classes you want to take. If you are licensed as a social worker or hope to become licensed, you will need to find out whether the licensing commission in your jurisdiction recognizes online education as meeting pre-licensing or continuing education requirements. Other considerations include whether the courses require you to participate in synchronous programming such that you have to be at your computer at certain days and times or whether you can complete course work independently. The price of various social worker online classes can also vary considerably, so if costs are an issue, you may wish to seek out the lowest cost programs that can still provide you with quality online learning opportunities.
To become a social worker or to work in the area of social services, you may need to complete an educational program if you want to become licensed or registered with a governmental authority before you can begin to practice. The educational requirements vary by jurisdiction, so it is important that you learn exactly what type of degree or diploma you must earn prior to applying for permission to work as a social worker or in the social services field. In some jurisdictions, the educational requirements can be very precise, and you may not be permitted to take social worker online classes as part of your degree program. Always verify with your licensing board the acceptability of any courses that you take. The same holds true for continuing education courses that you take to renew your professional license.
If you do live in a jurisdiction that allows you to take social worker online classes to receive or maintain your license, it is important that you verify that the school offering these courses is appropriately accredited to do so. Evaluate the school's website and, if possible, ask about being able to enter into a course environment to see whether you are comfortable with the features that it offers. Many online schools offer prospective students the opportunity to participate in a short introductory seminar that allows them to become familiar with online classes.
Cost may also be a concern when choosing social worker online classes. If you are taking classes to complete continuing education requirements, you may want to ask the professional associations that you belong to whether they offer online continuing education courses. In some cases, these organizations may offer free or significantly discounted classes to members. If you are taking pre-licensing classes, ask a school's financial aid office about scholarships and other opportunities to receive tuition assistance.