Choose the best social work distance learning program by investigating several programs and comparing the quality of the distance learning courses offered at each. Only consider the programs with the best accreditation and with the best reputation for preparing students for a social work career. Determine, also, which programs require on-site training and whether or not you will be able to attend these special class sessions. If you need financial assistance, consider programs that offer scholarships and reasonable financial aid opportunities. Make your final decision based on which social work distance learning program offers the best value, reputation and quality of distance learning courses.
When considering a social work distance learning program, your top concern must be quality. Focus your research on programs that offer a distance learning social work degree and that are properly accredited by respectable associations. Interview others who are currently working in the field and ask about the reputation of each school you are considering. Eliminate any social work distance learning programs that have questionable or bad reputations and only move forward with those that are respected within the industry.
Assuming you are considering a social work distance learning program because of family, work or other commitments that make it difficult for you to attend a physical campus, be aware of any mandatory on-site training that may be required for you to earn a degree. While most of your classes will be attended virtually, some institutions require you to physically participate in special sessions. With this in mind, eliminate any programs where traveling distance will be of issue or where scheduling conflicts are likely to arise.
Earning a degree in social work online may require you to pay special fees along with normal tuition costs. You may also accrue additional costs for special equipment and software needed to participate in a social work distance learning program. Calculate these costs and determine whether you can pay for them on your own or whether you will need assistance. If you find that you do need help, consider schools that offer scholarships and financial aid programs you are eligible for.
Ultimately, make your final decision on a social work distance learning program by selecting the school that offers you convenience without sacrificing quality. The program should also be among the best in terms of its reputation for social work training. Choose the program that is most affordable to you and that you feel will confidently prepare you for a long-term career in social work.