Shaving cream comes in many different forms, ranging from creams and soaps to gels and lotions, all of which have certain advantages and disadvantages. Choosing the "best" type of shaving cream is largely based on personal preference, though an individual's skin type can also provide some direction. The best way to find the ideal type is to try out a variety of different options until one finds a product that provides a satisfactory shave without causing any excessive irritation or dryness to the skin. It is important to remember that both the shaving method and the type of razor used are also essential for shaving well, and that even the best shaving creams cannot compensate for a dull razor or a poor shaving technique.
An individual's skin type can provide some direction for picking the best type of shaving cream. An individual with normal skin that is neither excessively dry nor excessively oily should be fine with most options, but individuals with dry skin should be careful. Many forms of shaving cream contain alcohol or various scented components that can further dry out one's skin, leading to irritation and pain. Some types of shaving cream include aloe or other components specifically intended to soothe sensitive or dry skin in order to prevent irritation.
Generally speaking, the color and lather of different types of shaving cream, though highly visible and easily comparable, are not actually significant. Some types of shaving cream and oil do not actually produce any lather at all and may even be colorless. Only the part of the shaving lubricant that actually touches the hair to be shaved is actually important — lather is irrelevant. When comparing different options, it is important to assess them only on the basis of how well they contribute to a good shave, not on other factors such as the visual qualities of the solutions themselves.
Although choice of shaving cream can contribute significantly to getting a good shave and minimizing irritation, the razor and technique used are also highly important. A dull, damaged, or improperly used razor will result in a poor shave regardless of the quality of the shaving lubricant. If, after trying a variety of different shaving lubricants, one fails to find one that leads to a satisfactory shave, it may be necessary to examine one's razor or method of shaving instead. Research and experimentation are the best ways to find a new razor and to improve one's shaving method.