Finding the right person to provide septic tank service is vital. Though urban sewer systems have eliminated the need for septic system service in many areas, there are still millions of people who depend on adequate septic systems to keep their homes and neighborhoods sanitary and safe. Among things to consider is what local codes or ordinances may apply, whether you need a simple cleaning or something more involved, and whether there will be any fees tacked on above the price of the service.
The homeowner who is about to hire a septic tank service should begin by knowing at least a little about the relevant codes. Even in rural areas, state and federal regulations dictate methods and means by which septic system repairs may be made. In many cases, a permit is required before the system can be altered at all. While the contractor who violates these rules may be fined and even have his license revoked, it will be the homeowner who pays for the violation by being without an operational septic system until all of the legal considerations are cleared up.
In some cases, a simple septic tank cleaning process may solve what seems to be an insurmountable problem. If that turns out to be the case, the homeowner should be aware that the cost of the septic tank service company may be added to a dumping fee. It's wise to ask whether the price provided is the final cost or if there could be additional fees.
While a septic tank problem is serious, it pays to take a few minutes to shop around. Neighbors can probably give references for reputable septic tank service providers. The homeowner should also consider service limitations. If the company simply cleans the tank without checking for other problems, the homeowner may find himself paying for another house call within days or even hours.
If there is a need for septic tank repair, the homeowner should be certain that the company hired has the appropriate licenses. The local health department is a good place to start. The entity that oversees licensing may also be able to provide additional information in the search for the best septic tank service.
If repair is going to be extensive, the service provider may instead suggest a new septic tank installation. While this is expensive and intrusive, it may be the best option, especially for older homes. The homeowner should compare the cost — and headache — of dealing with a problematic septic system against that of new installation before making that decision.
Finally, create a septic tank maintenance plan. Septic tank cleaners are available for purchase at many stores and can ease the need to call a professional service as often. A hardware store clerk can probably provide advice for the best cleaner to meet specific needs.