To choose the best sci-fi movies, it might first be a good idea to find a film review resource. Professional film reviewers often publish books in which they provide lists of movies, including plot summaries and the details of the casts and production crews. Many of these books also contain ratings based on reviewers' opinions of each film. It is also common for newspapers, websites, and magazines to feature reviews and descriptions of sci-fi movies that are currently showing in theaters. Many filmgoers also prefer to get recommendations from friends whose tastes might be similar to their own.
Sci-fi is short for science fiction. A sci-fi movie is any feature length film that focuses on speculations about the future or unreal advancements in technology. Some subjects common in sci-fi movies include aliens from outer space, drastic changes in the earth's environment, and technology that is far more advanced than that which is familiar to us.
One method for choosing the best sci-fi movies is to seek themes or subject matter in which you are interested. For example, if you are interested in space travel, you may want to search books and websites for films that focus on this concept. Many of these resources provide users with valuable recommendations. If you read the entry for a film that you have already seen and greatly enjoyed, for instance, you might find a list of films similar in subject matter and tone.
Some people find that they prefer certain film critics to others. If you have found that you do not enjoy many of the sci-fi films recommended by one reviewer or resource, you may want to try the recommendations of others. Reading why certain critics do or do not like a film might help you to decide if a critic's tastes are similar to your own.
Many directors of sci-fi films are attracted to certain themes or stories. In other words, one director might work most often on films that include much action and futuristic technology. If you enjoyed one or two sci-fi movies that he or she directed, then there is a good chance that you might prefer others that he or she has made as well.
Certain themes and styles of film making often can be associated with an era or region. Many film goers seek out sci-fi movies that were made at a certain time or in a certain country because they have seen films from similar time periods or regions and have enjoyed them. Texts written by film historians can help you to choose the most important films from an epoch or area of the world.