You choose the best schools for nuclear medicine by assessing the schools' teaching ability, content and future prospects. There are also a number of other important factors to bear in mind such as accessibility, costs and entry requirements. The best school for nuclear medicine is the one that ranks highest in school league tables, but the best fit for you is a wholly personal decision and might not be the top school.
Nuclear medicine is a branch of biology and medicine that employs techniques based on radioactive decay to diagnose and treat a wide variety of diseases and health issues. A wide range of specialist courses are now available in universities around the world. If possible, people wishing to study nuclear medicine should apply to universities with dedicated courses. If this is not possible, then students should try to combine medicine with physics before taking up a more specialized courses at postgraduate level.
Before you research, it is worth knowing exactly what you are looking for. First, you need to know what academic scores you can reasonably hope to achieve, so you can rule out ones that require too high or too low scores. Second you should know your budget, whether you can afford expensive schools for nuclear medicine or whether you want to find cheaper ones. Schools for nuclear medicine, like others, should offer a wide range of scholarships and bursaries to help poorer and talented students.
Begin your research early. If you can decide on the best school or schools for you, then you may be able to tailor your study choices towards impressing the university or college of your choice. This is because many application pages on websites or college guides will tell you what preferred subjects and experience the colleges/universities are looking for in applicants. Schools for nuclear medicine will require you to have as much experience in biology, physics and chemistry as you can get.
There are numerous ranking systems for colleges and universities. These take into account teaching quality. Look at the equipment, both for testing and for teaching, the university has, such as medical imaging equipment. This will tell you if the school is serious about research and studying as well as teaching.
Another factor to take into account is the school’s reputation. As well as ranking well on content and teaching, does it rank well in terms of graduate opportunities and employment? Does the school offer postgraduate courses ranging from masters to doctorate programs?
You should also pay close attention to the school’s careers department to see who its alumni are and who they have been employed by. If the university/college has a wide number of graduates employed in the nuclear medicine industry, you might be able to find good work in the sector when you graduate, too. If this information is not readily available on the school website, contact the careers or admissions department for further information.
It is important to visit schools for nuclear medicine offering dedicated courses on the subject so you can ask questions. Understand the content and teaching styles, know that the course is in good shape and that the teachers are ones you like or respect. While visiting the school, you are also able to decide if it has the right facilities, atmosphere and support structures to help you succeed.