When choosing schools for industrial design, it is necessary to consider the type of career you want to have upon completion of a program, as some schools focus more on conceptual work while others are more practical. The value of the degree will be affected by the work being produced by the students, so it is important to choose a school that regularly outputs high-quality design. Schools for industrial design offer different learning experiences based upon the level of commitment that the students and faculty have for design, and finding this out beforehand will help you choose the right school.
It is usually necessary to visit schools in order to find one that suits you best. This way, you have the opportunity to speak with current students about their experience in the program, as well as to talk to professors about what they look for and how they critique industrial design work. You also have the opportunity to examine the industrial design facilities, which include computer and modeling technology being used and the studio space offered to industrial design students. During a visit, you will have an opportunity to see the industrial design work being produced by students and faculty by visiting their studios, offices, and classrooms. Try to visit at least three schools for industrial design so that you are able to compare them to one another before making a decision.
Some schools for industrial design specialize in certain areas of the field. For example, one school might specialize in product and parts design while another specializes in textiles. It is a good idea to find out what the specialties of the programs are, so that you can make a decision based upon your interests in the field. Schools for industrial design that have many specialties allow you to learn more about a variety of topics, if you desire to have a more generalized educational experience.
In order to get hired as an industrial designer, you need to have a degree that is worthwhile in the industry and a portfolio that stands out to future employers. Learning about the standings of the schools in the rankings can give you an idea of how your degree will be perceived when you have completed it. Accreditation ensures that schools for industrial design meet certain requirements outlined by professional industrial design associations for quality and a high level of education.